Mt. Aetna Adventist School

Growing Potential Since 1949 - (301) 824-3875 - 10207 Crystal Falls Drive, Hagerstown MD

Financial Aid Opportunities

Understanding Your Options

We understand that it is not always easy to choose which school is right for your student. But once you make the choice to join MAAS we make affording private school just a little bit easier with a curated list of exciting options for student aid.

Family Contributions The greatest source for funding usually comes from the family. Parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles all work together to help support a child. Why not? Our kids are worth it! However, at MAAS we want to find a sustainable tuition payment plan that leaves room for necessaties like food, clothing, and transportation. Look at your own budget and be ready to let us know how much you can pay per month towards your child's future.

Church Support The most common source of support after the family is the local church family. MAAS is supported by four strong community churches, all of whom provide monthy support directly to the school and directly to families that attend the churches. These aid dollars must be applied for at your respective SDA church, and you need to be a member in good standing before you ask for help. Currently Willow Brook, Hagerstown, Williamsport and HVC are the four constituent churches providing assistance.

Partnering for Eternity The third partner in making private school affordable is offered to all Adventist Schools by the The Partnering for Eternity Foundation. This exciting grant provides tuition assistance to children in grades K-8 by encouraging them to engage in service learning with elderly or those socially isolated by their health or familiy conditions. Children visit with a mentor of their choosing and in exchange for their efforts a scholarship of $100 per month is paid to the child's bill. This program is for anyone grades K-8 and you don't need to be an Adventist to qualify.